Meet Tom Nevarez

Tom Nevarez is the newest Refrigeration/Boiler instructor added to the GCAP Team! Tom was born and raised in Colorado, as a young adult worked in the oilfield. In 2000 he moved to Kansas and started at the local packing house and then made his way into refrigeration. At National Beef In Dodge city he learned the basics about industrial refrigeration, two stage systems, freezers and what goes into making a packing house refrigeration system run. Tom started to love what he was doing because of the constant learning that is involved with the Refrigeration/boilers.
After 10 years in the packing house Tom got into cold storage facility was able to learn a different a type of ammonia Refrigeration system. It was at this point tom got a big taste of PSM from the other side of the desk instead of just what little a Refrigeration maintenance tech sees. Tom worked and stayed at Americold for 5 years as the maintenance tech, Forklift tech, building tech, refrigeration tech and finally PSM. Cold storage has very few maintenance techs so a few always wear a lot of hats. Working with the PSM books opened up a lot of new learning and a lot of time invested on working on the program.
As a service tech for a national contractor I got to travel all over and started to really see how many different types of refrigeration systems that are really out there. Simple single stage systems , two stage systems, CO2 systems and cascade systems. Tome said “It was like I was starting all over again and learning new things because every time I went to a different location there where different problems that I would have to figure out for that individua facility.” This was the best part of the job and Tom loved the opportunity to go to different location and see different systems.
After leaving contractor world Tom started at our local community College where he had the opportunity for to give back to the industry as an instructor. When the program was shut it was back to the mechanical field. We are excited to bring Tom aboard and he will be focused on industrial refrigeration and steam boiler classes.