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Industrial Training Alerts
Frequently Asked Questions about GCAP and GCAP courses.
- Is there a flight into Garden City?
- Yes – American Airlines schedules at least two jets in and out of our regional airport daily (Airport Code GCK)
- Do I need to bring PPE to take a class?
- GCAP will provide all needed PPE for associated class @ GCAP headquarters. If class is being sponsored at a host facility, your enrollment will notify of specific PPE needed to participate.
- What is students dress attire?
- Dress layered and casual comfortable. Full covered shoes and no sandals or related styles
- Class Start Time?
- Facility begins to open @ 7:00 am and classes will kick off by 7:45 am
- Certifications Testing?
- All GCAP courses will include relevant certification examination. Additional examinations possible and may include but not limited to (RETA CARO, RETA CIRO, NUILPE, IIAR, TPC 460, TPC 461, TPC 462, and TPC 463)
- How do I get a copy of my certificate / certification?
- To request a copy of credentials see this link
- How long does the GCAP certification last?
- 3 years – If you need to update or re-certify see this link
- Can I buy a GCAP hat or shirt?
- Yes, visit our online store at this link
- Where do you recommend staying?
- GCAP R-717 Inn is solely for GCAP students and limited capacity and best service in town. Hotel info at this link
- When will I receive my certification?
- If the class you take is at GCAP headquarters, if successful you will travel home with certifications in hand. If class is offsite, you will receive certifications within 15 business days.
- What course is best for me and my position?
- Visit this link to see what class will best suite your needs.
- How much is tuition?
- Each class is priced specifically. Please look at training dates for prices of each course.
- Can I apply GCAP’s certification to renew my continuing educational requirements?
- Upon successfully graduating a GCAP course, student’s receive their certificate with CEU’s listed on it.
- Contact the organization in which you are renewing with, and provide them with a copy of your GCAP certificate.
- Do you offer scholarships?
- Yes, please see this link
- Do you know about employment opportunities?
- GCAP posts job openings at this link